What is @types/keyv?
The @types/keyv package provides TypeScript type definitions for Keyv, a simple key-value storage with support for multiple backends. It allows TypeScript users to work with Keyv more effectively by offering type checking and IntelliSense features in their IDEs. Keyv itself is a simple, promisified key-value storage solution that supports various storage backends like Redis, MongoDB, SQLite, and more.
What are @types/keyv's main functionalities?
Basic Key-Value Operations
This feature demonstrates basic CRUD operations: setting, getting, deleting, and clearing key-value pairs. It's the core functionality of Keyv, allowing simple data storage and retrieval.
{"import Keyv from 'keyv';
const keyv = new Keyv();
// Set a value
await keyv.set('foo', 'bar');
// Get a value
const value = await keyv.get('foo');
console.log(value); // 'bar'
// Delete a value
await keyv.delete('foo');
// Clear all keys
await keyv.clear();"}
Using Namespaces
This feature shows how to use namespaces to separate different types of data within the same database or storage backend. It's useful for organizing data and preventing key collisions.
{"import Keyv from 'keyv';
const users = new Keyv('sqlite://path/to/database.sqlite', { namespace: 'users' });
const cache = new Keyv('sqlite://path/to/database.sqlite', { namespace: 'cache' });
// Set and get values in the 'users' namespace
await users.set('john', { age: 30 });
const john = await users.get('john');
console.log(john); // { age: 30 }
// The 'cache' namespace remains unaffected
const cacheValue = await cache.get('john');
console.log(cacheValue); // undefined"}
Custom Storage Backend
This feature illustrates how to use a custom storage backend, in this case, Redis, with Keyv. It demonstrates Keyv's flexibility in supporting different storage solutions.
{"import Keyv from 'keyv';
import KeyvRedis from '@keyv/redis';
const keyv = new Keyv({ store: new KeyvRedis('redis://user:pass@localhost:6379') });
// Now Keyv will use Redis as its storage backend
await keyv.set('hello', 'world');
const value = await keyv.get('hello');
console.log(value); // 'world'"}
Other packages similar to @types/keyv
node-cache is an in-memory key-value store similar to Keyv but lacks built-in support for multiple backends like Redis or MongoDB. It's simpler but not as flexible for different storage requirements.
levelup is a wrapper for LevelDB. It provides a flexible key-value database with a simple interface. Unlike Keyv, levelup is more focused on LevelDB and does not natively support multiple backends without additional plugins.
ioredis is a robust, performance-focused Redis client for Node.js. While it offers advanced Redis-specific functionalities, it doesn't provide the backend-agnostic key-value storage interface that Keyv does.